Bank Players List and Rules 2021/22


Bank Players List and Rules

Leicestershire Ladies:  2021/22 Season:  Bank Players
Name Club Mobile
Nina Parker Leics Squash/Tennis 07841 696 988
Dawn Cook Leics Squash/Tennis 07870 231 639
Lesley de Carle Leics Squash/Tennis 07900 411 713
Sue Beswick Hermitage 07968 338458
Alison Clarke Hermitage 07813 334 886
Laura Holding Market Harborough 07900 431191 
Ruth Sleigh Market Harborough 07818 631 113
Lin Leach Market Harborough 07973 439 505
Paris Masters Hinckley 07932 837 668
Maria Yukhnovich Hinckley 07530 541 747
Jane Young
SID 07765074979
Vicky Kemp SID 07590607431
Verity Howard SID 07932 844 505
Jackie Walters SID  
The following rules apply to Bank Players (2021/22 Ladies’ League Rules):
  1. The ‘Bank’ system enables players to play for teams other than their own team(s), therefore, teams struggling for players can put out a full team. 
  2. Clubs will be asked for the names and contact details for any players wishing to be included in the bank.  Players wishing to be included in the bank must give permission for their details to be shared with Team Captains.
  3. The list of bank players will be circulated to Ladies Team Captains for the purposes of contacting and recruiting players for matches when their team is short of players.
  4. Bank players can be approached by any club to make up a team of four players.
  5. Bank players may play for several clubs, other than their home club, during the season.
  6. The bank player will be treated as a member of the host club for the night and will pay the match fee appropriate to the host club (see 10 with regard to junior players).
  7. Teams using bank players MUST play in team order with the bank player in the appropriate position.  Team Captains should discuss and use their judgement and discretion with regard to playing order of the Bank players.  Queries should be raised with a member of the Executive Committee.
  8. Should the scenario arise where a club with two teams requires a bank player for each team, team playing orders MUST remain the same and the bank players should play in an appropriate team order, according to standard and what would be ranking.  Team Captains must agree on the playing order.  In this instance, it is acceptable for two bank players to play in the same team should the standard dictate that they are not of a standard to play in the first team (if playing a second team) or second team (if playing a third team).
  9. Clubs using bank players must not use players from the opposing team.
  10. A No 1 bank player (ie, plays No 1 for another team) can play for another team only if that team’s No 1 cannot play.
  11. Team points for bank players will be capped (ie, no turning-up point will be awarded for a bank player – see 24 above).
Rule 8:  The number of matches a player can play during each half of the season will be capped at the number of matches for her own team plus a designated number of ‘bank’ matches as determined by the Executive Committee which will be notified to Team Captains and bank players prior to the start of the season.

Junior Bank Players
  1. A parent must give permission for a junior player (U18) to
  • Join the Bank player list
  • For the junior to play each match as a bank player
  • Ideally the parent(s) should be in attendance at the match

07976 640 708

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