Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get a login?

Go to the register page.  You will be asked for an email address. If your club has already noted your email address then you will be sent a password straight away. If we don't recognise your email address then your club admin will be notified and once they verify it then you can use the register page again in order to get a password.  Register now.

How are player rankings worked out?

Points are awarded for each game. Each ranking table only applies to one division. You can see an explaination of points allocation at the bottom of the rankings page. If you click on a player in that page you will see the points awarded for each game.  We will improve the ranking system in the future, possibly to take account of the grade of your opponent and to carry over accross multiple competitions. If/when we change the system we can easily recalculate all the ranks because we have the match results. If you have any suggestions on this we welcome them, what would you like to see?

Why are player rankings not available for some Men's Divisions?

We can only show the data that we have. Not all mens divisons' data is put into the system.

The scores for my match are wrong

Please tell your captain. They can login to the site and change the scores for your team.


Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Division 4 Racquetball League (2023-24) League Rules - 2023-24Club Directory 23/24 SeasonLeicestershire squash 2019 AGM minutesLoan List contacts 23/24Racquet Ball Club Directory 2023/24Racquet Ball Rules 2023Scorecard TutorialThe Loan System
Ladies League (2023) AGM Meeting Minutes 2022Club Directory 2022/23Ladies Team Rankings 2023/24Rules and Regulations 2022/23 Archive
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