AGM Meeting Minutes 2022

Leicestershire Ladies Squash League

Annual General Meeting 2022

Date: Thursday 9th June 2022

Time: 6:30pm

Venue: SID


Laura (Chair, Market Harborough), Jackie (Treasurer, SiD), Nina (Leicester Tennis), Paris (Hinckley), Karen (SiD), Donna (Market Harborough), Miow (SiD), Cat (SiD), Jayne (SiD), Verity (SiD).


Theresa (Hermitage), Antonia (SiD), Sue C (SiD), Ruth (Market Harborough), Lin (Market Harborough), Heather (Market Harborough).

1. Welcome

  • The chair welcomed all to the meeting and thanked them for attending the meeting. The chair congratulated everyone on a successful season and for getting the league back up and running after the Covid lockdowns.

2. Financial report

  • The treasurer presented the financial position (see appendix 1) and outlined there has been no income across the last season. • £40 was paid for the website maintenance and monies were also paid out for trophies.

3. Awards

  • The season awards were announced and trophies presented.

    a. League Winner – Leicester Tennis
    b. League Runner up - Hermitage
    c. Hospitality - SiD
    d. Most Improved Player – Karen Pears

4. Review of the season

  • All agreed it was good to be back playing team squash and enjoying the social aspect of the league.
  • The majority of teams had enough players in their squad to play regularly and those who struggled utilized bank players to ensure they were able to field a full team of 4. 
  • However, not all bank players were contacted and it was felt that the list of available players needs to be more visible.
  • It was also suggested the rules are reviewed for bank players to ensure the system is fair and teams are not given an advantage by playing a bank player.
  • Inputting of scores was discussed and it was agreed that each team must appoint a captain for every fixture (if the team captain isn’t playing) to be in charge of collecting scores and either inputting into the website or passing onto the official captain to do so. 
  • Given the lack of league income it was agreed that the junior subsidy is removed from forthcoming seasons and the joining fee for teams is reinstated for the forthcoming season.
  • Many players, particularly the new players were unsure of league rules around players, matches etc. It was agreed that once reviewed the rules will be shared widely, along with a shorter condensed version of rules that teams can have to hand on match nights.

5. League Structure 2022/23

  • All teams are prepared to commit to the new season and were happy to make a payment of £30 for each team entered.
  • Season to begin October.
  • Teams to complete registration by end of August.
  • Karen P will lead a recruitment drive to encourage more teams to join the league next year. She plans to email and call Leicestershire clubs to ask if they would like to be involved (e.g. Loughborough Students).

6. Summary of decisions and actions

Decision/ Action  Details Lead Date due
Decision Junior subsidy to be removed from next season. Jackie  N/A
Decision League entry fee to be reinstated from next season.  Teams will pay a £30 joining fee to the league.   All N/A
Decision  If the team captain is not playing, a nominated team player will be team captain at each fixture to ensure scores are collected and inputted in a timely manner.    All  N/A
Action League Rules to be reviewed to ensure the Bank system is still fair and does not provide teams an advantage.  Laura Review to be shared by end of August
Action League Rules to be reviewed and a condensed version issued for clubs to use.  Laura  Review to be shared by end of August
Action Recruitment drive via email and phone to get more teams into the league.   Karen  Progress to be shared by the end of August
Action Teams to enter league no later than the end of August  (Laura to send out relevant documents). Laura  August
Action Teams to pay league joining fee directly into league account: A/C 43012183 S/C 54-41-00   Captains  End of August 


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