AGM Meeting Minutes 2017

Leicestershire Ladies’ Squash League
Annual General Meeting 2017
Date:               Tuesday, 2 May 2017
Time:               7.30 pm
Venue:             Sport in Desford
Present:          Pauline McCoy, Leicestershire Squash and Tennis Club, Chair/League Secretary
                          Jacqui Walters, SID, Treasurer
                          Sally Hurman, Leicestershire Squash and Tennis Club, Secretary
                          Kat Brown, SID
                          Alison Clarke, Hermitage
                          Sue Coleman, SID
                          Pam Harrison, Leicestershire Squash and Tennis Club
                          Ida Huggins, Market Harborough
                          Vicki Kemp, Market Harborough, Committee Member
                          Theresa Keyes, Hermitage
                          Carla Carter, SID
                          Karen Neal-Pears, SID
Apologies:      Sue Beswick, Charnwood
                          Anna Chalkley, Hermitage
                          Gerry Newton Cross, Loughborough OG
                          Yvonne Ground, SID


The Chair welcomed all to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.
1  Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2016
              The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 16 May 2016 were approved as a correct record.  ACTION:SH
2            Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2016
2.1         Nutrition/Psychologist:  Not pursued as there was not enough interest.
2.2         Junior Girls Squash:  Amy Clarke played during the season and the Treasurer has reimbursed Amy’s match fees.
3   Financial Report
Team Fees:  10 teams during the season @ £30 per team.
  • There is current a healthy balance in the sum of £1,043.99 credit.
  • It was AGREED that for the 2017/18 season, match fees would be paid for juniors up to the age of 18 in full-time school education.
4     Review of the Season
  • Very positive feedback from teams.  It was disappointing that one of the Fusion teams had to pull out of the second half of the season. 
  • Some clubs experienced issues regarding people not being available to play away matches.
  • There is an expectation that the away team will stay to have a meal after the match unless there are extenuating circumstances; team captains are asked to encourage team players to stay, certainly until the end of the match.  If players cannot stay, the away captain must give the home captain as much notice as possible.  ACTION:  Team Captains
5      Website
  • The website was fine.  There were one or two issues prior to the start of the second half of the season when the leagues were split.
  • Recording scores for bank players in the second half of the season was an issue following the rule changes, however, Jackie Walters had adjusted scores manually.
  • Captains must enter scores promptly; any difficulties should be highlighted to the League Secretary or to Jay Patel direct.  ACTION:  Team Captains
  • Team rankings must be submitted to the League Secretary by the deadline in order that Jay Patel can set up the website for the season.  ACTION:  Team Captains
  • Fixtures should change only if there is difficulty in the match going ahead.  Reasonable notice must be given to the affected team and to the League Secretary.  ACTION:  Team Captains
6    Presentation to League Winners 2016/17
      League 1 Winner:  Leicestershire Lawn Tennis Club (150 points)
      League 1Runner Up:  Loughborough Old Girls (106 points)
      League 2 Winner:  Hermitage (99 points)
      League 2 Runner Up:  Market Harborough (83 points)
      Hospitality: SID
      Congratulations to teams on their successes
7   Rules
  • There were no amendments to the rules for the following season.
  • The league will not be split at the end of the first half of the season 2017/18.
  • For clubs submitting more than one team, it will be their decision as to whether to rank teams in order of merit or to split the order.
8   League Structure 2017/18
  • It was AGREED that there would be one league for all teams and two halves in the season, plus two tournament matches, one prior to the start of the season (late September) and one either at Christmas/New Year or at the end of the season.  Club captains are asked to let the Committee know if they would like to host a tournament.  ACTION:  Team Captains
  • There will be teams of four players.
  • The 2017/18 season will start on 1 October 2017.
  • It would be ideal If every team had a lady captain.
  • Match fees are the decision of the club.
  • Novice players should have mentors when marking/refereeing.
  • Clubs are asked to make arrangements for hot food.
  • Possible additional teams for next season are De Montfort and Leicester Universities.
8.1         Bank Players
  • The system of using bank players worked well and gave teams who were short of players the opportunity to field a full team of four players.
  • It is not possible to rank bank players.
  • All bank players must be asked if they wish to play in the bank and agree to their contact details being circulated to clubs.  ACTION:  Team Captains
         Thanks were extended to the organizers for the 2016-17 season.
9    Election of Committee Members
  • Pauline McCoy is to stand down as Chair/League Secretary.
  • Vicki Kemp resigned during the season.
  • Jackie Walters (SID) will continue as Treasurer.
  • Sally Hurman (Leics Tennis Club) will continue as Secretary.
  • Sue Colman (SID) and Sue Beswick (Fusion) offered to join as Committee Members
Thanks were extended to Pauline McCoy for her Chairmanship.
10   Any Other Business
       It would be very helpful for clubs to have posters which encourage ladies to play squash, no matter their standard, giving contact details and club information.  Anyone who can design/print is asked to go ahead.  ACTION
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.10 pm
Credits                                                      Debits
£60.00 (22/8 - 2 Subs)                            £28.00 (Mrs A. Clarke – Junior fees)
                                                                  (for Amy Clarke 7 matches)
£30.00 (5/10 - 1 Sub)                              (25/4 Cheq.)
£150.00 (17/11 - 5 Subs)                        £55.80 (27/4 A.B.Wallace
£60.00 (11/11 – 2 Subs)
£300.00                                                    £83.80
Balance B/F from 2015/16                     £827.79
Credits                                                      £300.00
Total                                                          £1127.79
Less Debits                                               £83.80
Balance in Bank 1/5/17                         £1043.99
Jackie Walters
Treasurer (1/5/17)
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