AGM Meeting Minutes 2016

Leicestershire Ladies’ Squash League
Annual General Meeting 2016

Date:           Monday, 16 May 2016
Time:          7.30 pm
Venue:        Sport in Desford
Present:        Pauline McCoy, Leicester Squash Club, Chair and League Secretary
                     Jacqui Walters, SID, Treasurer
                     Vicki Kemp, Market Harborough, Committee Member
                     Sue Beswick, Charnwood
                     Anna Chalkley, Hermitage
                     Laura, Market Harborough
                     Ida Huggins, Market Harborough
                     Sally Hurman, Leicester Squash Club
                     Sue Henderson, Loughborough OG
                     Dawn Cook, Loughborough OG
                     Gerry Newton Cross, Loughborough OG
                     Sue Coleman, SID
                     Jane Young, SID
                     Karen Neal-Pears, SID
Apologies:   Theresa Keyes, Hermitage
                     Pam Harrison, Leicester Squash Club
                     Emily Ablitt, Loughborough Students
                     Kat Brown, SID
                     Jan Elliott, SID


The Chair welcomed all to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.
1   Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2015
The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 23 June 2014 were approved as a correct record subject to amending League 1 Division winners who were Charnwood. 
2  Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2015
2.1 Website Maintenance (3.2):  £5.00 had been paid for website maintenance. PMc undertook to approach the Leicestershire Committee with regard to the payment for 2016/17 season and would circulate to Ladies’ team representative for agreement. 
2.2 Promotion of Squash (3.3):  PMc had looked into the possibility of a session with a nutritionist and psychologist but there was very little interest.  She undertook to pursue and if possible would arrange something for the coming season (including injury prevention).  ACTION:  PMc
2.3 Junior Girls Squash (3.3.1):  Payment was being made for junior girls playing in the Ladies’ Leagues (£4 per match) and this would continue. 
2.4  Play Day/Big Hit:  It had not been possible to arrange.
2.5  Play-Offs (5.2.1):  This was not pursued in view of time constraints.
2.6 Fixtures:  The fixture list at the beginning of the season had not gone well. PMc apologised on behalf of the organiser for the issues this had caused.
3  Financial Report
The financial report for the year 2015/16 was tabled (and is attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes).
3.1 Year End Accounts:  Showed expenditure of £219.41 which included £60 for coaching and £100 in memory of Lyn Cherry who very sadly died during the season.  Income was £270.00 for nine Ladies’ teams.  The balance at year end was £827.79.
JW commented that no request had been made for funding for junior girls for league matches.
The Chair thanked JW for maintaining the Ladies’ League finances.
4  League Report
The 2015/16 season had progressed without incident and had been enjoyable.  However, it was noted that quite a number of matches had been played with only three players in a team.  The promotion/relegation at the end of the first half of the season had been tried and had raised a few issues for fixture dates which had been overcome.
5  Presentations

Division 1 Winner:  Hermitage 1:  Anna Chalkley
Division 1 Runner-up:  Loughborough Old Girls – Sue Henderson
Division 2 Winner:           Leicester Squash – Sally Hurman
Division 2 Runner-up:       SID1 – Jackie Walters
Hospitality Winner:          Loughborough Old Girls – Sue Henderson

6  League Structure
It was felt again that the Ladies’ League structure and indeed ladies’ squash in general was stale and uninspiring.  It was acknowledged that it is difficult to get more ladies into the sport and particularly into ladies team squash.  It was also difficult to encourage some of the better player to keep playing in the leagues.
Several options were discussed in detail regarding the league structure for the 2015/16 season and ways to re-motivate and re-invigorate the ladies leagues.  It was AGREED:

  • There would be four players in a team;
  • There would be a pool of reserves from every club (ie, team no 5s and below) who could be called upon to play for any team.  However, account will be taken of a possible conflict of interest should the reserve be called to play against her own team.  This would be reflected in the rules.  ACTION:  PMc
  • There would be two divisions; mixed ability (ie, ranked according to 2016 results and zipped).
  • At the end of the first half of the season, team would be ranked according to results in each division and zipped again for the second half of the season

7  Rule Amendments
Rules would be amended to reflect the changes in the league structure.  It was suggested that the rules be discussed to see if other amendments were needed. 

8   Development of Women’s Squash in Leicestershire
The discussion regarding the ladies’ leagues demonstrated that ladies’ squash in Leicestershire is very ‘tired’ and that there is a general acceptance that it is extremely difficult to create new opportunities and encourage ladies to either take up the sport and/or return to playing.  That said, there are some schemes in Leicestershire which are proving successful:
PMc is working with England Squash who are happy to support local initiatives.  There is a regular Wednesday evening training ladies’ session at Loughborough Leisure Centre (train/coach/match play) with 28 ladies on the mailing list; several are interested in playing team squash next season.  A friendly match had taken place in the season with Leicester Squash and PMc and LH/Ida will discuss the possibility of a friendly at Market Harborough.  PMc will also speak with Jackie about a friendly with SID.  This would be an ideal opportunity for match experience for the Loughborough Ladies to encourage them to take part in team squash in the Ladies’ Leagues. 
PMc is taking Saturday afternoon women-only sessions at Loughborough Leisure Centre, predominantly Asian women, mainly beginners.  However, the session will cater for beginners, young players, returners and the more mature player.  The sessions are supported by Loughborough Leisure Centre.  There are also Social Squash sessions at Charnwood on some Saturday afternoons.
PMc has arranged for a Women’s Institute ‘Get Fit’ session in September.
PMc is also liaising with England Squash on a National Participation Strategy.
LH stated that Market Harborough Council was supporting free start-up sport sessions which included squash; this was an eight week programme on Wednesday evenings with an average of 10 ladies per session, the first session being free and then £3; after four sessions, ladies would be given t-shirts.  There have been between six to eight new members.  Market Harborough is looking at the possibility of ladies social squash, mixed parent/juniors and encouraging those taking part to join the leagues.
VK suggested contacting New Parks Leisure Centre who have not had a ladies’ team for years and also suggested promoting and encouraging racketball which some ladies find easier to play.
9  Election of Committee
PMc agreed to continue as Chair and League Secretary; JW agreed to continue as Treasurer.
A meeting would be arranged for all club representatives in September 2016, if needed.  ACTION:  PMc
10 Any Other Business
There was no other business
There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.05 pm.


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