AGM Meeting Minutes 2015

Leicestershire Ladies Squash League

  Annual General Meeting 2015
Date Monday, 20 April 2015
Time 7.15 pm
Venue: Leicester Squash Club
Present: Pauline McCoy, Leicester Squash Club, Chair and League Secretary
  Jacqui Walters, SID, Treasurer
  Vicki Kemp, Market Harborough, Committee Member
  Tracy Birch, Hermitage
  Anna Chalkley, Hermitage
  Karen Neal-Pears, SID
  Sue Beswick, Charnwood
  Kat Elias Jones, Charnwood
  Sally Hurman, Leicester Squash Club
  Sue Henderson, Loughborough OG
  Gerry Newton Cross, Loughborough OG
Apologies Laura Campbell, Leicester Squash Club
  Millie Pughe, Loughborough University Students
Welcome The Chair welcomed all to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.


1  Minutes of the Annual
General Meeting 2014
The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 23 June 2014 were approved as a correct record subject to including apologies from Sue Henderson.  ACTION:  SH
2  Matters Arising from the Annual General Meeting 2014 There were no matters arising.
3  Financial Report The financial report for the year 2013/14 was tabled (and is attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes).
3.1  Year End Accounts: Showed expenditure of £296.50 and income of £300.00 for the year.  The balance at year end was £777.20.
3.2 Website It was noted that the Men’s League will use the website for the summer league matches as a pilot for the 2015/16 season.  It was AGREED that the Ladies’ League should pay a proportion of the fee paid to Jay Patel for web maintenance to a maximum of £300.  The Chair undertook to pursue and will agree payment if around this sum.  If the amount is a lot more, she undertook to email those present for approval.
3.3Promotion of Squash  It was agreed that there was a healthy financial balance and discussion ensued with regard to the use thereof.  The meeting agreed that grass roots squash should be promoted and considered the possibility of a session with a nutritionist and psychologist, possibly in September.  The Chair to pursue.
3.3.1Junior Girls Squash It was PROPOSED and AGREED that junior girls  (up to the age of 19 in full-time school education) playing in the Leicestershire Ladies’ Leagues should be supported financially to the sum of £4.00 per match.  Payment to be made following email from Captains with match dates which can be verified against the web match results.  The Chair will inform team captains
3.3.2Play Days/Big Hit To be investigated and to take place in September, prior to the season starting and possibly in December, at the end of the first half of the season, to encourage all team players and as many juniors as possible to attend, the Chair undertook to circulate the information to team captains.  AC undertook to provide information regarding the Big Hit format
  The Chair thanked JW for her efforts maintaining the finances
4 League Report The 2014/15 season had progressed without incident and had been enjoyable.  However, it was generally felt that the current structure was somewhat stale.  Discussion followed regarding the league structure for the 2015/16 season.
6  Presentations

Division 1 Winner:Hermitage 1 – Tracy Birch 

Division 1 Runner-up:Leicester Squash 1 – Sally Hurman 


Division 2 Winner:Hermitage 2 – Anna Chalkley 

Division 2 Runner-up:Leicester Squash 2 – Sally Hurman 


Hospitality Winner:SID – Jacqui Walters

6  League Structure The Chair encouraged discussion on how the Ladies’ League should operate in order to make ladies team squash more accessible and increase participation. 
6.1  Promotion/Relegation This was discussed in some detail and it was AGREED that for the 2015/16 season one team would be promoted and one relegated in September 2015 and two teams would be promoted and relegated in December 2015/16.  Therefore in September 2015, Hermitage 2 will be promoted and SID 1 will be relegated.
There may be implications for match planning for the second half of the season, however, team captains will be advised at the beginning of the season and again in December to be vigilant early on in order that matches can be re-arranged if needs be.
6.2  Leagues: It was generally agreed that the ladies’ leagues needed a breath of fresh air and more of a ‘mix’.  The possibility of having one league that would split into two leagues at Christmas was explained and discussed.  Whilst it was agreed that this would provide a degree of variety, it was acknowledged that some team members who play at the top of their game would not wish to play players who were not of that standard (and in some cases vice versa).  It was agreed that the one league would not be introduced for the 2015/16 season but further consideration would be given to the 2016/17 season.
  Other suggestions included:
  Running one league (as discussed) in parallel with the ladies’ leagues (as is)
  A team handicap system, however, this would be difficult to arrange
  Ladies ladder, for individuals who wish to play more competitive games
  Play-offs at the end of the first half of the season for promotion/relegation
5.2.1  Play-Offs:  It was AGREED that at the end of the season, the bottom two teams in the first division would play the top two teams in the second division.  The top two teams would go into the first division and the bottom two teams would go into the second division.  It was suggested that matches could be played over one Saturday or Sunday or over a weekend.  Team captains to be consulted for opinions
5.3 Fixtures It was noted that the men’s league will arrange the ladies’ fixtures.  PMcC undertook to find out when team information was needed.  
Leicestershire Ladies’ League Rules  There were no rule amendments, however, some rules were discussed:
6.1Re-arranged Matches  It was pointed out that several matches had to be re-arranged or conceded for various reasons, including the fact that some clubs could not put a team together as ladies were playing matches in the men’s league.  The rules currently state that two matches can be re-arranged; it was broadly agreed that this should be adhered to, however, it was acknowledged that fixtures have to be re-arranged sometimes because of a clash with men’s club matches
  Pauline – no decision? 
  It was AGREED that the date(s) of any re-arranged matches should be notified to PMcC in order that the website can be updated.
  ACTION:  PMcC (for inclusion in rules) 
6.2 Penalty Point(s) for Late Input of Match Results It was agreed that this would be detrimental to the ladies league, although it was noted that the men’s league is likely to introduce a penalty point system.  Ladies league results are generally input in good time.  It was suggested that perhaps there could be a two weeks deadline. 
6.3 Contact Details: Team Captains will be asked again this year to check their contact details to ensure they are correct before circulation.  
6.4 Club Registration Clubs should register according to the rules (see 5.3 above).
6.5 Score Cards: It was AGREED that it was up to individual teams as to whether they wished to complete score cards and if so, they could make photocopies.
6.6 Number of Matches Played in a Season It was noted that the maximum number of matches played in a season was 24; some player(s) may have exceeded this number of matches.  It was acknowledged that had this not occurred, there would have been one team less in the leagues.  Although it was not thought to be a problem, the rules should be acknowledged
  There were several matters discussed at the meeting that warrant further discussion, clarification and decision.  Therefore, the Chair undertook to gauge interest/opinion from teams in both Divisions and call a further meeting to discuss further. 
  There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.20 pm

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