AGM Meeting Minutes 2014

Leicestershire Ladies Squash League

  Annual General Meeting 2014
Date Monday, 23 June 2014
Time 7.00 pm
Venue: Sport in Desford
Present: Pauline McCoy, Hermitage, Chair
  Jacqui Walters, Sport in Desford, Treasurer
  Vicki Kemp, Market Harborough, Committee Member
  Tracy Birch, Hermitage
  Sally Hurman, Leicester Squash Club
  Jan Elliott, Sport in Desford
Apologies None
Welcome Pauline McCoy, who had recently taken over as Chair of Leicestershire Ladies Squash, welcomed all to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.

1  Resignation It was noted that Debbi Payne had resigned as Chair of Leicestershire Ladies Squash and League Secretary.  Pauline McCoy had taken office with effect from today’s meeting.  Her intention was to streamline the administration making electronic communications much more efficient and to try to encourage as many ladies as possible to play competitive squash.
2  Minutes of the Annual
General Meeting 2013
The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 10 July 2013 were approved as a  correct record.
3  Matters Arising from the Annual General Meeting 2013 There were no matters arising.
4  Financial Report The financial report for the year 2013/14 was tabled.
4.1  Year End Accounts: Showed expenditure of £250.96 and credits amounting to £240.00 for the year.  The balance at year end was £773.70.
4.2  Junior Donation:  A donation of £200 had been made for Leicestershire Juniors following the last AGM but the meeting decided that no donation would be made in this season.
4.3  Team Fees: It was AGREED that team fees would remain at £30.00 per team.
5 League Report A total of 160 games had been played across Divisions 1 and 2 during the season, some matches had been conceded in both Division 1 and Division 2, mainly due to a shortage of team players; some matches had been played with three players.
6  Presentations Presentations were made by the Chair:
Division 1 Winner:  Leicester Squash 1 – Sally Hurman
Division 1 Runner-up:  Hermitage 1 – Tracy Birch
Division 2 Winner:  Charnwood
Division 2 Runner-up:  SiD 1 – Jackie Walters/Jan
Hospitality Winner:  Loughborough Old Girls
7  League Structure Based on the results for 2013/14, Charnwood and SiD 1 are promoted to Division 1. No team is relegated from Division 1 in view of the fact that Club Diana will probably withdraw from the league.  At the moment, the leagues for 2014/15 are:

Division 1:  Leicester Squash 1, Hermitage 1, Loughborough Old Girls, Charnwood,SID 1; it is unlikely that Leicester Squash will be able to field a 2nd team.

Division 2:  SID 2, Loughborough Students, Hermitage 2

The leagues will be left open and will be ratified in September and will be dependent  upon the number of teams entering for the 2014/15 season.
7.1  Match Results: In future, match cards will not be required.  Results will continue to be input on the website and validated by both teams.
7.2  Hospitality: Points for hospitality will be included on the website and will be entered along with match results.
7.3  Team Players: It was again suggested that team comprise three players to give more team matches with closer matches for individual players and teams.  However,  following discussion taking into account opinions from other teams, the consensus was to remain with four players in a team.
7.4  Divisions: It was suggested that there be one division only comprising all teams. However, following discussion it was agreed that there should continue to be two divisions to allow for the difference in standards. 
PMc undertook to contact Ken Marriott, Hinckley (Leicester Road), Hinckley (Brunel Road), Hinckley Leisure Centre New Parks, Uppingham and David Lloyd to see if they had ladies teams to enter the leagues.  PMc would also contact Dick Stroud to               see if there might be a Leicestershire junior girls team.
8  Rule Changes No rule changes had been requested or suggested.
8.1 On Court Behaviour  It had been drawn to the attention of the meeting that on occasions players’ behaviour was not as would be expected.  It was suggested that team captains be reminded at the beginning of the season that before a match commences, it should be agreed that the home team will mark the match whilst the away team will referee. Any behaviour issues should be drawn to the attention of the Committee.
8.2 2014/15 Season PMc undertook to contact all team captains to request team registrations, contact information and rankings by the end of August and circulate (by email) the fixtures, rules/regulations, team contact details shortly thereafter.
9 Election of Committee Pauline McCoy agreed to assume the roles of Chair and League Secretary

Jacqui Walters agreed to continue in the role of Treasurer

Vicki Kemp agreed to continue in the role of Committee Member

It was noted that currently, JW is the sole signatory for the Leicestershire Ladies’ account.
9 Any Other Business  
9.1 Ladies Squash The fact that there were so few lady squash players was very disappointing and PMc encouraged all present to try to recruit additional players into the leagues in the hope that there may be additional teams.
10 AGM 2015 It was AGREED that the 2015 AGM would take place on Tuesday, 14 April 2015 at a venue that was easily accessible for everyone.  It was further AGREED that each team should send a representative to the meeting.
  There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.30 pm

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