Facebook Group

When we were creating the list of things we'd like to see on the Leicestershire Squash Website. There was a request to allow users of the website to put in comments about anything to do with Leicestershire Squash and squash in general. There was also a request to allow people to upload photo's and video's for squash and share them with other users of the website.

We had a good look at many other sites that provide such functionality. The general opinion was that, such content made websites look over crowded and hard to read and use. Also, in the current mode of thinking for website design, it is deemed better to use mature websites that handle such things and to integrate them into your website.

We decided to go with this philosophy and created a Facebook Group. There is a button at the top of the home page that takes you directly there. Or you can click on the link below. 


For those of you Facebook users, you can subscribe (register) to this group  and you will have full access to the group. You can add comments to the wall, upload and share photo's and video's and just generally use it was you would with any social media website. Though this group has been specifcally set up for Leicestershire Squash, so try and keep the talk to related matters!

To get the chat going on the Facebook Group we've uploaded a video for the what a squash ball can do hit at 175phm. Camron Pilley claims to be able to hit the ball at this speed and he has a volunteer to to show what a ball at that speed can do. (Do not try this at home!)

Graham Bagley reckons he can hit the ball at 180mph and is looking for volunteers to shoot a similar video. 





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