Men's League Rules 2024-25

August 2024

1. The competition shall be managed by a General Committee consisting of a Chairman,
Treasurer, Systems Manager, Media Manager, Ladies Manager, Junior Manager, Competitions Manager  and Secretary and one member from each club participating in the league.
The named positions form the County Committee, they are to be elected annually by the club representatives.
The General Committee shall meet once a year in August.
An Executive Committee consisting of the Chairman, Treasurer, Systems Manager and Secretary shall manage the day to day running of the League. The competition shall be open to any club in the Leicestershire area at the discretion of the Executive Committee. 
2. At the discretion of the General Committee each club may enter one or more teams of
players who shall be members of that club.
Clubs shall not be limited to the number of teams entered into the League, but
not more two teams from one club may play in Division 1, with no restriction
applying to other Divisions. It is recommended that players be members of ES.
3. All divisions to be decided by the E.C. using as guidelines that all divisions consist of equal
numbers of teams, and promotion/relegation shall be on a 2 up and 2 down wherever possible. Club requests and Common Sense will be used.
4.    (a) No person may represent more than 1 club during a season except by 
permission of the E.C. or being a "loan" player
(b) The nominated club secretary shall post an Order of Merit into the Leicestershire
Website at least 7 days before the club's first match.

(c) The list MUST be in Squash Levels order unless otherwise agreed by the E.C. or using the "Squad System" as Rule 4 (c) (1)This will lock a player into a team.

(c) (1) - If a club has 2 teams in the same division it may choose to use a squad system 
to split the strength. E.G. 2 teams in Division 1 may be used in the following order. 1st Team player list number 1 3 5 7 9 2nd Team player list number 2 4 6 8 10.
It will apply to the whole team NOT just 1 player.
No player from the 1st may play for the 2nds and no player from the 2nds may play
for the 1sts. All substuitutiions for either team would be from position 11 down.

(d) Additional players may be added to the list only by the CLUB  SECRETARY by
request to the League Secretary. That player may only be used after being agreed 
by the League Secretary
(e) If a non registered player is used that result will be struck off and all matches
below that player will be 3 - 0 defeats for playing out of position.
(f) Any club trying to play a match without posting the complete order of merit will 
forfeit the match.
(g) The E.C. may review any order of merit on request from a club, and shall have 
the power to alter any player's position.
(h) Only players on their order of merit may play for the club during the season,
subject to Rule 4 F & I, or are players from the "Loan List."

(i) A player's position in the team could vary each week if there is movement in the 
Squash Levels list

(j) No new players may be used during the last 4 weeks of the season.

(k) Squash Levels will indicate the correct position for each player

(l) No player may play more than 26 matches in a season. Including "Loan" games.
A Loan Player may not play at Number 1 as a guest, nor against his Home Club.

(m) Before the 2nd half of the season begins ALL clubs will be required to resubmit
their order of merit as per Squash Levels which may alter the team composition.

(n) Any player without a "Squash Level" must be placed where the club believes
that player should be. The E.C. reserve the right to move the player should their
position be clearly incorrect.
(o) Any player in a team position must play at least 2 games in the first half of the
season or they will be removed from the order of merit for the second half.
Any new player brought into the order for the second half of the season must 
play at least 2 games or the team he is placed in will be fined 20 league points.
5.     (a) Each team shall play two matches, one at home and one away, against each other
team in that division. Teams shall score 1 point for each game won in each match, and the winning team shall score 5 extra points.
Both sides in a match must have not less than 3 members of their side at the venue at the time of the scheduled start. The other 2 members must also be in attendance within 30 minutes of the scheduled start.
A team must consist of a minimum of 3 players.
The home team must provide 2 courts for the match. Failure to do so will mean
the away team is awarded the match 5 - 0.
In the event of a team not fulfilling a fixture the result will be that the team not playing will be fined 15 league points, with the "winning" team receiving 20 pts.
Any team wishing to change its' HOME night after the fixtures have been issued is required to advise ALL opponents to confirm the alteration.

(b) All teams in Division 1 to make every effort to have Tuesdays as their home 

(c) Start times to be a free choice but must allow sufficient travel time for away teams. After 7-00 p.m. is to be used wherever possibleN.B. The start time IS the start time NOT the turning up time. Teams not thereready to play could forfeit outstanding games if court time runs out.

(d) The scoring all Divisions shall be PAR 11.
6. At the end of the season the club scoring most points shall be the winners of each
Division. In the event of a tie the side with the most number of matches won shall succeed. If the teams are still equal they shall play off at a time and  place to be decided by the E.C..
7. The winners of Division 1 shall hold the Leicestershire League Trophy for 1 year.
The trophy may not be won outright and shall remain the property of Leicestershire League.
8. All matches will be played on the dates arranged by the E.C. The only exceptions being
those matches altered BEFORE the season starts for the 1st half and during the WINTER recess for the 2nd half season and advised as such to the I.T. Manager and League Secretary, with the exception of Charnwood home  matches which cannot be moved from 2 weeks before the first games.
During the season the following reasons included in (a) (b) (c) are allowed:-

(a) A strike, which affects the playing of the game. E.G. water or electricity.

(b) Extreme weather conditions.

(c) Any reason deemed acceptable to the E.C.. E.G. club burnt down - conflict with 
a National Competition for 3 or more regular players. But NOT - illness - weddings - non availability of usual players - holidays etc.

(d) There shall be no matches scheduled for Leicestershire Half Term weeks wherever possible.

(e) Once a season starts if a fixture is changed, and EITHER the league secretary (currently Mike) or the I.T. Administrator (currently Denis) has been informed,  there will be an automatic 5 point fine for BOTH Teams.
If NEITHER has been informed there will be an automatic 10 point fine for both teams. The only exceptions are as allowed for under Rule 8. a b c 
9. Both teams are required to input the result into the Leicestershire League Website within
48 hours of the match date. After which the screen will lock. Temporary team captains can be appointed through The System Manager.
10. All member clubs MUST have one person representing them at the A.G.M., unless prior
absence has been agreed by the E.C.. Failure to comply will result in
a fine on the club, the amount to be decided by the E.C.
11. Rules of play shall be those of the ES. An ES approved ball shall be used.
12. Any disputes must be submitted in writing to the League Secretary within 14 days and
the decision of the E.C. shall be final.
13. No recording of matches shall take place without the permission of both players involved
in the match.
14. Each club must submit the name, address, phone number and email address of the Club
Secretary by 1st September each year to the League Treasurer.
The same information for ALL team captains must be advised at least 1 week before the start of the season.
This information must be kept up to date.
15. Any team before the season starts may alter a fixture without penalty either financial or
league points. Likewise in the mid season break a team may alter a 2nd half fixture without incurring a penalty. After these dates any team not attending a fixture WILL be fined 15 league points. Subject to Rule 8 any team failing to give 7 days notice of its intention not to complete a fixture, will be liable for cost's incurred by the home team. Any such claim to be made through the  E.C. Any club which refuses to pay these costs will be suspended.
16. The "Critchlow Fellowship Cup" shall be presented annually to the individual team
deemed the most sociable during the season. The cup shall be presented at the  A.G.M. and shall be held for 1 year. The away team shall record a mark out of 10 for each of its opponents on the computerised score card.
The score should reflect the good fellowship enjoyed on the evening.
17. There shall be an annual fee agreed at the A.G.M. payable by every club. 

An invoice will be sent to every secretary for actioning. League Fees MUST be received by the Hon Treasurer, before the season starts.

All clubs will be advised as to their payment status by the Hon. Treasurer.

Any club failing to pay their fees on time will be fined 10 points per team per match,
each week.
This will continue until the outstanding fees are paid.