Ladies AGM Meeting 2024


Leicestershire Ladies Squash League
Annual General Meeting 2024

Date: Monday 5th August
Time: 615pm
Venue: Market Harborough Squash Club

Laura (Chair, Market Harborough), Theresa (Treasurer, SiD), Nina (Leicester Tennis), Ali (Hinckley), Lindsay (Hinckley), Lin (Market Harborough), Ruth (Market Harborough), Jayne (SiD), Verity (SiD), Lesley (Leicester Tennis), Dawn (Leicester Tennis)

Vicky (SiD), Donna (Market Harborough)

1. Welcome
  •  The chair welcomed all to the meeting and thanked them for attending the meeting.

2. Financial report 
  • The treasurer presented the financial position and outlined the income for the season was the team entry fees (£35 per team) and the outgoing of £37 for trophies.
  • No money was paid for the website maintenance.
  • The group discussed the fact the bank balance is very healthy (Approx £500), and the opportunity to use some funds to run some coaching / referring sessions for either new ladies to team squash or existing players looking to improve their skills and confidence.
  • The chair took the action to plan these sessions (1 to 2 sessions each half of the season).  
3. Awards 
  • The season awards were announced and trophies presented.
    1. League Winner – SiD
    2. League Runner up - Leicester Tennis
    3. Hospitality – N/A
    4. Most Improved Player – N/A
Note: Due to the limited data available in the website (incomplete scores) the hospitality award was not presented and there was not the opportunity to vote for the most improved player this season.

4. Review of the season 
  • All teams were happy with the format of the season and the schedule of matches.
  • Teams generally had enough players in their squad and the bank player system was not overly relied on by any team.
  • Despite there only being 4 teams in the league, there was commitment from teams to continue with the current format of home and away each half to ensure enough matches.
  • There were however some matches that were not played due to the unavailability of team members to play on a Sunday night. There were also examples of matches played but the scores were not inputted into the website. This had a detrimental effect on the overall league scores.
  • The group discussed how these issues could be resolved moving forwards. It was agreed that all teams could play on the same home night – Mondays. This would ensure consistency between matches.
  • It was also agreed that scores for matches would be inputted within 1 week of the match played.
5. League Structure 2024/5 
  • All teams are prepared to commit to the new season and were happy to make a payment of £35 for each team entered.
  • SiD are going to enter a second team, bringing the number of teams in the league to 5.
  • Season to begin early September.
  • Teams to complete registration by end of August. Registration includes paying the joining fee, confirming match start time/day and submitting a ranking order for their team.
6. Summary of decisions and actions 

Decision/ Action Lead Date due
Decision Match scores to be inputted into the website within 1 week of the match being played. All N/A
Decision All teams home night will be a Monday. Where possible matches will start at 7pm. All N/A
Action Teams to confirm entry into the league, and submit ranking order, no later than the end of August. Laura August
Action Teams to pay league joining fee (£35 per team) directly into league account:
A/C 43012183
S/C 54-41-00
Captains End of August
Action 2024/25 fixtures to be distributed. Laura End of August
Action Plan and schedule training / referring sessions for all interested ladies (paid for by the league). Laura September