Junior Competitions

Junior Intercounty Matches

Junior Intercounty matches are team competitions which run usually run over two weekends, the first in November and the second in March. Teams consist of 5 players for boys age groups and 3 players for girls age groups. These are fun team events which encourage social and teamwork skills.

If your child or a child that you know would be interested in playing on one of Leicestershire’s Junior Inter County Teams please contact Cath Brown on cath.re.brown@gmail.com.

England Squash Sanctioned Competitions

England Squash (ES) offer sanctioned competitions which cater to all skill levels, providing enjoyable and competitive experiences for junior players. Each season, ES sanction over 100 events run by qualified organisers for boys and girls in Under 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, and 19 age groups. Results impact your England Squash ranking, with points based on the best five results within a year for Under 19 players, and the best six for others. For more on rankings, visit the ES website England Squash - Rankings.
England Squash offer competitions at various levels:
  • Platinum: Top-tier events like the English Junior Championships for players ranked in the top 50 or 80.
  • Gold: Three prestigious events spread across the country for the best juniors.
  • Silver: Five events designed for higher-ranked juniors, open to all.
  • Bronze: Local tournaments, including Aspire (Regional) events, for club or county-level players.
  • Copper: Entry-level tournaments for new players, including Junior County Closed events.
An active England Squash membership is required for all levels except Copper. Use the England Squash competition search tool to find events suited to your level England Squash - Sanctioned Competitions.