Website Gets First Use by Captains


The Leicstershire Squash website got it's first proper use today by the Division 1 team captains. The individual team captains updated the scorecards on the site with the match results from yesterday matches. Once the scorecards had been approved by both captains, the league and player tables were instantly updated. Quite nice to see where you team were in the league almost immediately!

Most of the scorecards were filled-in by 10am this morning, which bodes well for the coming week. Maybe in the future the captains will be able to fill out these scorecards from mobile devices on the night. The site isn't fully supported on mobile devices yet, but hopefully this will be a feature we can add in the near future.

It wasn't all smooth sailing though. An eagle-eye Ollie noticed that the league table hadn't update the win/loss column correctly for his Abbey Sports side. This was eventually identified as a bug in the code and only came to light as in last week match between  Abbey Sports and Hermitge threw up a strange result. Abbey Sports won the match 3 ties to 2, but Hermitage actually scored more team points than Abbey Sports (12:10).

There were some minor issues with missing players in the system. This was a result of not having access to the full order or merit for team of the clubs. We started off with a rough list of players for the division 1 teams. It would be good if the division 1 team captains could send the full order of merit of the club to the website administrators ( Or at the very least all likely players for their division 1 teams.

There were some good results from the matches last night. Hinckley Squash 2 thrashed Cleaver 20-0 and top the league table. Leicester Tennis had a close tie against Hinckley Squash, in a match that resulted in 11:11 to each team. Leicester Tennis picked up the bonus points for winning 3 ties to 2. There were also good wins for Hermitage,  David Lloyds and Market Harborough.




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