Market Harborough Squash news

Club Build News
The build is underway for the club 2 court extension. This is the outcome of 2-3 years hard work raising funds and is really exciting.
The build will include two glass backed courts with viewing area behind them, a full length balcony accessible from the bar area, and an outdoor balcony to enhance the social area of the club and provide an area to watch the cricket in the summer, have BBQs etc.
The design has been done by brp-architects, a local Harborough firm, one of who’s managing directors is a member at the club and so has not only the knowledge of what facilities are required but also on how important it is to get them at the right price! The architects have been supported by Paul Marriott from Richard Julian Associates who are our Quantity Surveyors and project managers, and Gary Peddlar our Structural engineer. The build is being done by local firm, Oakwood Construction, from Stoughton, who are using BecoWallform, which is an insulating concrete formwork that looks like giant Lego when it is going up! The advantages of it are that it goes up very quickly and so the build time is shortened, and also it will be really well insulating. We are 4 weeks into the build and already the walls are around 2 metres high!
We hope to be completed by the end of October – so watch this space for some exciting events through the winter.


Other News
Primary School Squash & Recycling Challenge
We have been going round to some of the Harborough Primary schools visiting the Year 4 classes letting them try squash using a MiniSquash Wall, leaving them a ESR DVD about Squash & racketball and a bag of old squash & racketballs. The bag of balls is part of a challenge for the children to come up with ideas on how to recycle the balls. The School that comes up with the best idea (as judged by the waste management team at Harborough District Council) will win a MiniSquash Wall for their school along with a bag of rackets and balls. The funding of the prize has come from Harboro Rubber Company. 
The Club will be collecting the ideas this week and announcing the winning school next week. All the schools will then be invited along next winter to an interschool competition at the club.
Introduction to Squash & Racketball Courses
Just after Easter the Club, and coach Laura Holding, have ran an Introduction to Squash for Ladies Course in conjunction with Harborough Council. Ladies that came along for 6 of the 8 sessions received a racket for free. We initially had 6 ladies that came along although only 3 completed the course. Several others were interested but were unable to come on the days we were running it and so we will look to rerun it in the Autumn on another evening. 
This week sees us start an Introduction to Racketball Course in a similar scheme. So far we have 6 people interested. Anyone interested should contact club coach, Alison Avil.
Club Championships
We have just finished the club championships . The winners are:
U12 Girls Frankie Jones.
U12 Boys Max Wilson
U16 Girls – still to be decided final is between Freddie Marlow and Lulu Pemberton
U15 Boys – Bradley Crane
U19 Boys – Alistair Geear.
O40s Handicap – Steve Avil
O55s Handicap – final tomorrow evening between Steve Avil and Gary Aram
Racketball Handicap – Final postponed for 2 weeks – between Nick Loomes and Pete Ross
Mens Closed – Martin Geear 
Ladies Closed – Lin Leach
Feature in Active magazine
We have had a large article in Active magazine, a free magazine distributed through South Leicestershire looking at sport and activities. As it is the Cricket Clubs 175th Anniversary, and with the court extension, the magazine were keen to come along and do a large 4 page feature on us with some great photos. 
Our advice to other Clubs is don’t sit back and wait for members, get out there and make yourself visible, and grab them in!
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