Lions win PSL thriller against Leicester.

Sarah-Jane Perry vs Lily Taylor

SH11620The competitors were quick to capitalise on early mistakes as the players tried to find their feet. Lily Taylor made the a fantastic shot early on but it was Perry that took a decisive advantage to make the match 7-6 after a tough point. The game was tight to the end as the score reached 10-10. Perry put in a tough performance but the competition from Taylor saw Leicester win the game 14-12.

Perry was quick to respond back taking a decent lead at 9-4 before a great backhand volley set up game point. The game finished out at 11-7 to Perry after an amazing cross-court volley to take the game.

In the third game, Perry continued to push the advantage to 4-2. Taylor came back however to even the score at 6-6. Late in the game, both players had mistakes and neither seemed to capitalise, Perry went on to take the game, 11-9.

Perry stormed ahead in the fourth game, taking the score to 5-0 but a quick response from the challenger saw the game return to a more even footing at 5-4. However Perry held her nerve and saw out the Leicester competitor 11-5.

Sarah-Jane Perry 3-1 Lily Taylor 12-14, 11-7, 11-9, 11-5

Miles Jenkins vs Luke Parker.

SH11614Parker took the first point but Jenkins was quick to equalise before taking an early lead at 4-1. Parker looked set to make a comeback however taking the next two points. Jenkins wasn’t to be denied however and continued to win points to bring the score to 7-4. Both players were in fine form as the game became tighter. But it was Parker who won the first game 11-8.

Brief interlude and a chat with Coach Jon Tate proved invaluable as Jenkins responded well taking the first six points of the second game without response. In a faultless performance, Jenkins played excellently. Throughout the second game Jenkins was dominant eventually taking the game 11-1.

In the third game it was Parker’s turn to respond with a 4-1 start. Jenkins struggled to find his feet as Parker continued to press his advantage at 5-3. A strong crowd support for Jenkins saw him push back but Parker maintained a steady lead to 9-6. Jenkins took the next two points in spectacular style but Parker kept a steady head to win 11-8.

The fourth game was tight throughout with long rallies. Jenkins really pushed the ball around the court and won the game with a final score of 11-8.

The fifth game saw Jenkins hit his stride with a quick set of points to lead at 9-5 before winning the game at 11-6.

Miles Jenkins 3-2 Luke Parker 8-11, 11-1, 8-11, 11-8, 11-6

Chris Hall vs Ben Coleman

Replacement for Chris Ryder, Chris Hall played Ben Coleman in the second match on court 2. A very fast paced start saw both competitors fighting hard for early points. 7-5 to Leicester saw Coleman scoring vital points early on. 11-7 was the final tally as Coleman pushed for win.

The second game was tightly contested as Hall battled on to 5-5 but it was Coleman who pulled ahead and pressed his lead to win 11-6.

The third game was a fast-paced affair but the last minute replacement was unable to find a foothold against the fantastic display of the Leicester competitor. Final score 11-8.

Chris Hall 0-3 Ben Coleman 6-11, 7-11, 8-11

Jonny Harford vs George Parker

Court 3 played host to Johnny Harford and George Parker. The first game was highly contested with the score remaining tight to 5-5. There were several series of long rallies with neither player being able to take an outright advantage. Parker looked to take a lead mid way through but Harford fought back to even things up at 9-9. A slip by Parker allowed Harford to press the advantage at 11-10. The final score was 12-10.

SH11613The match continued at the same thrilling pace in the second game, neither competitor willing to give an inch. Crowd favourite Harford, played well in a display that impressed the spectators. The experienced Harford saw off Parker in a terrific performance. 11-7

Parker came back quickly in the opening points of the third game. At 2-4 down, Harford pushed back to equalise. Composed and calm, Harford never gave his opponent an inch in the early stages. At 7-7, Parker made his move and pressed to game point before winning outright 11-8.

Harford looked collected in the opening minutes taking the game to 4-1. Parker came back to level it at 5-5, ensuring that Harford had to dig deep. The score drew level again at 8-8. But it was Parker who took the game 11-8.

Parker started the final match in flying form, leading by 8 points before Harford managed to score. At 11-1 Parker won well.

Jonny Harford 2-3 George Parker 12-10, 11-7, 8-11, 8-11, 1-11

Peter Creed vs Shaun Le Roux

SH11625Le Roux put on an unbelieveable display in the opening minutes of the first game. 5-0 up and there was little sign of stopping. But Creed refused to give in, raising his game to take it to 7-7. Creed took the lead at 9-8 giving the home crowd a huge lift. Creed had game ball but it was Le Roux who pushed through to win 14-12.

Le Roux may have the size but Creed’s speed helped him race around the court to bring the second match to 6-1. Le Roux battled back, taking a series of points to match Creed’s ever advancing lead at 9-4. Two quick points from Creed saw off the Leicester competitor 11-4.


Le Roux took the first point of the third match but Creed was quick to equalise and take a lead at 2-1. Early stages were marked with quick points and equalisers. A series of fantastic corner shots from Creed received warm rounds of applause from the crowd. 7-4 was the score as Creed looked to extend his lead and take the third game. 10-5 the score with Creed ahead, Le Roux pulled back a point but there was nothing stopping Creed: final score 11-7

The fourth game started tight, a series of short points then long rallies left the score 2-2 for a period as the two battled it out. Le Roux fought hard and it paid off two make the score 4-2. Next it was all Creed who battled back to make it 8-5. 10-8 saw match ball. Creed held his nerve in the face of Le Roux’s renewed efforts to win 11-8 in the decider.

Peter Creed 3-1 Shaun Le Roux 12-14, 11-4, 11-6, 11-8

Birmingham Lions 3-2 Everards Leicester (16-10)

Peter Creed 3-1 Shaun Le Roux  12-14, 11-4, 11-6, 11-8
Chris Hall 0-3 Ben Coleman  6-11, 7-11, 8-11
Jonny Harford 2-3 George Parker  12-10, 11-7, 8-11, 8-11, 1-11
Miles Jenkins 3-2 Luke Parker   8-11,  11-1,  8-11,  11-8,  11-6
Sarah-Jane Perry 3-1 Lily Taylor  12-14, 11-7, 11-9, 11-5




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