Leicestershire League AGM.

Leicestershire Squash League
Minutes of the Forty first Annual General Meeting
Held on Wednesday 20th August 2014 at Leicester Squash Club 189 London Road Leicester.

Present       R.Clements (Chairman), G. Hill (Treasurer), M Blasdale (Secretary) and 25 representatives from 18 member clubs. Also in attendance was Richard Stroud (Leicestershire Juniors).

Apologies   No apologies received. Cleaver were in breach of Rule 10.
Minutes.     The Minutes of the 40th A.G.M. were read and adopted with no amendments.
Malcolm Young could not remember taking the trophy’s for Hermitage, being the only point raised
Matters Arising   None
Report        Juniors.
Dick Stroud gave his usual comprehensive report. 72 juniors had entered the county closed competition held at Leicester Squash Club. This years dates are 27th/28th September and are being sponsored by Splosh Plumbing & Heating and Dunlop Sports.
8 coaching sessions are planned for this season.
3 boys and 2 girl teams have been entered in the Inter County Competitions.
Leicestershire now has 14 boys and 7 girls in the National Rankings.
Dick thanked League for its continued financial support.
Report        Chairman
Robin thanked all attendees at the meeting and congratulated the clubs on another successful season. Our sponsors continue to assist the league and he offered thanks to them for their support. The new County Structure was mentioned but would be dealt with at the County A.G.M. which will follow the League meeting. The league officers have served, including the coming season, Robin 10 years Gary 12 years Mike 34 years.

Report        Treasurer

Gary Hill presented the accounts to the meeting and gave a full explanation of them. They were accepted unanimously with no problems being highlighted. A donation of £500 was made to the juniors. The Treasurer recommended no increase in fees for the following season.

Report        Secretary

Fines would continue for any team not completing the result cards correctly. It assists in the smooth running of the league and all captains should be made aware of how to complete a card.

As usual Bonfire Night falls on the 5th of November and Valentines Night will be on the 14th February. Is it possible to look at the fixtures in detail when you get them and alter any fixtures as per the league rules?

Would all clubs please mark on the Ranking List every under 18 year old so we can have a full entry for the Robin Clements Cup.

The County was delighted to have Leicester Squash club in the National Premier League and fixtures would be altered to assist them, and allow players to come along and watch the matches.
Hinckley Squash Club are relocating after Xmas and will probably be unable to use their new courts for some time. This will again mean fixture alterations and all other clubs are asked to “go the extra mile” to overcome this short-term problem. Heath Jennings and Mike Blasdale will meet to discus the fixtures asap.
Presentation. Mr Nick Clark (chairman of Leicester Squash Club) presented this year’s trophies to the winning club’s.
The winning teams for the season just ended were as follows
Winter League 2013/2014 Division 1              Hinckley Squash 2
                                                Division 2              University of Leicester    
                                                Division 3              Hinckley Squash 3
                                                Division 4              Leicester Squash 4
                                                Division 5              Hinckley Squash 5
Critchlow Fellowship Club        Division 1              Leicester Squash                       9.13
                                                Division 2              Market Harborough 2                9.44
                                                Division 3              Leicester Road Hinckley           9.33
                                                Division 4              Leicester Road Hinckley 2         9.25
                                                Division 5              Leicester Road Hinckley 3         9.56
Overall Winner                                                      Leicester Road Hinckley 3     9.56
The Handicap Cup                 Winers  - Market Harborough
                                                Runners Up – Abbey 2.
The Robin Clements Cup for the most improved junior player again well contested. Despite significant improvement from Joe Sibley of Leicester Squash and George Orton of Leicester Road Hinckley the stand out junior was Lilly Taylor from Leicester University and she was awarded the trophy. Her slightly overage Dad Simon  accepting it from Robin.
Handicap Knockout Cup
The Secretary gave a rather long winded explanation of the principle of the Knockout Cup. Hopefully this will result in more teams entering. Those teams who had competed last season had enjoyed themselves.
League Structure.
Leagues had been prepared for next season and were presented to the meeting. The league had a net loss of 1 team from last year.  It was hoped to issue the fixtures within 2 weeks from the A.G.M. date.
Rules of the League.
No new rules had been proposed.
Election of Offices.
The existing committee members offered themselves for re-election and there being no other nominations they were elected for a further year.
It was requested that the A.G.M. minutes be sent out by email immediately on completion.
This was agreed. Also the financial statement was asked for before the A.G.M. so that secretary’s had a chance to review the figures before being asked to agree to any exceptional expenditure. Also agreed
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8-10 p.m. A new World record for an A.G.M..

Alison Avil(Mkt Harborough SC)Simon Taylor(leicester University SC)Heath Jennings(Hinckley SC)Andy Orton(Leic Rd Hinckley SC).
Heath Jennings(Hinckley SC) 1st Division Winners Cup presented to him by Nick Clark(Chairman of Leicester SC).
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