Inter County Under 17 Boys

Stage Two: Inter County Squash Championship 2012-2013

The Boys U17 Inter County fixture was held at Daventry Squash Club on the 3rd February 2013. The counties involved were Leicestershire, Hertfordshire, Suffolk and Surrey.

In the first match Leicestershire played Surrey. Unfortunately they were a very good team and we lost 5:0 , even though the Leicestershire players gave 100% plus effort. The only player to earn a point from his match was Patrick Sadd and he lost 3:1 after a though match.

The second match against Suffolk was equally as hard as the first match but they only had four players as one of their players was injured in the first match against Hertfordshire. We lost the tie 4:1 , with Joe Sibley just missing out on his game with a 3:2 loss.

In the last tie against Hertfordshire we fought even harder but again lost the tie by 4:1. George Orton fought very hard and won his match by 3:2 after being 2:0 down , well done to George on his fight back. James Payne just missed out on his game and was narrowly beaten by 3:2 , with the last game going to 11:9 to his opponent. Patrick Sadd fought very hard to earn a point but lost his match by 3:1.

I would just like to say a big thank you to all the players who played very well and gave 100% whether they won or lost .

Final Positions
1. Surrey 58 points
2. Hertfordshire 36 points
3. Suffolk 26 points
4. Leicestershire 12 points

From left to right
Jack Crawford:    Leicester SC
James Payne:      Hermitage SC
Patrick Sadd:      Mkt Harborough SC
Joe Sibley:          Leicester SC
George Orton:    Leicester Rd Hinckley SC
George Newitt:   David Lloyds SC

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