This document designed to help team captains to update scorecards online on the Leicestershire squash website.
1) Go to the website
2) Login to the website
Email Address = your email address
Password (sent to you by email)
3) Hover over Leagues menu and select your business league division
4) Go to fixture matrix and choose the fixture of interest
Please note, you will only be able "edit" scorecards of teams that belong to your club. If you attempt to edit fixtures of teams you do not have access to, you will be taken to the login screen so that you can log on as appropriate captain.
5) Scorecard Screen
You will come to the scorecard screen.
To edit the scorecard click the Admin button
6) Add players to the teams
To add a player to your team click in the appropriate player box and start typing the name of the player. This box (control) will automatically give you a list of possible players; ideally you want to choose from this list.
TIP: previous lineups included here. If you are putting out the same side as previously you can click below and choose your team.
Points to Note:
a) If you type in the name of an invalid player the edit box with be coloured red. This player will not be saved to the database.
b) If the player is not recognised, by the system you will not be able to add him to the scorecard – If this happens, or you want to add a new player to the team; you will need to contact the website administrator. Email them on
c) Player boxes are in order of string. Top box is first string, below it is second, third, fourth and fifth string in order. It is important that you put in the players in correct order or merit.
d) If you have a regular team, you can use the "previous line-ups" button to fill in a regular team. This feature automatically fills in the players from a previous used line up. Once this is done, you can edit the scorecard to replace a chosen player.
e) You can partially fill out scorecards and save them to the database. For example, you can add in all the team members prior to the match and print out the scorecard. After the match you can fill out the scores. This is a useful feature if you want to put in a likely team line-up and for your team members and opposition to view that team. You can change the team line up at any time. You can also fill out your oppositions’ team.
f) You can add in any valid team player from your club. It is up to you to make sure the order of merit is adhered to.
g) Names are input in the system by surname first follow by a comma follow by a space and then forename. For example, "Mouse, Micky". If you type in Micky Mouse, the system will not currently recognise that as a valid player.
i) Team Points and Total Points (which include bonus points) are calculated automatically and you do not need to fill these out. They will only be visible in the scorecard on the main site and NOT in the admin screen.
7) Filling in scores in the scorecard
You need to fill in the match and game scores. Once you have filled out a scorecard and you are happy with the contents, you can “Approve” it by clicking on the Approve symbol. The system will automatically recognise you as the captain of the appropriate team.
Points to note:
a) Any player on the ranking list can fill out the scorecard. This is done on a first come first served basis.
b) The person (captain) that is logged onto the system can ONLY approve the scorecard for his team. The scorecard will show if a team captain has approved the scorecard or not.
c) When both team captains have approved a scorecard, the scorecard will update the database and the various league and player ranking tables appropriately.
d) If a scorecard has been incorrectly filled in or there is some dispute with the scorecard, then the captain disputing the card should not validate it. Contact the opposing team captain and work out what the issue is. Either team captain can update the scorecard to fix the error. Once any corrections are made, both captains must validate the scorecard
e) If a scorecard is validated by one team captain and the opposing team captain disputes the contents and makes an update, the scorecard is automatically “invalidated” for the opposing team captain. . Please note any changes to a validated scorecard will automatically invalidate any validation already done to the scorecard.
f) If both captains have validated a scorecard and they then recognise there is an error, you must contact the website administrator. Email them on