20/09/22 Cleaver Bowden, James 3 - 0 Kasunda, Kriss Northamptonshire 1
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27/09/22 Northamptonshire Kasunda, Kriss 3 - 0 Brown, George Leicestershire Tennis 2 6
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04/10/22 Leicester Squash Underhill, Richard 0 - 3 Kasunda, Kriss Northamptonshire 6
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11/10/22 Northamptonshire Kasunda, Kriss 3 - 0 Gregory, Matt Burton Squash 6
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01/11/22 Northamptonshire Kasunda, Kriss 3 - 0 O'Dell, Connor Market Harborough 6
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29/11/22 David Lloyd Herbert, Simon 3 - 1 Kasunda, Kriss Northamptonshire 2
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06/12/22 Northamptonshire Kasunda, Kriss 0 - 3 Wright, James Whitwick Warriors 1
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17/01/23 Northamptonshire Kasunda, Kriss 3 - 0 - no player - Cleaver 6
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07/02/23 Burton Squash Gregory, Matt 1 - 3 Kasunda, Kriss Northamptonshire 5
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14/02/23 Northamptonshire Kasunda, Kriss 3 - 0 Lancashire, Howard Hinckley Squash 6
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28/03/23 Northamptonshire Kasunda, Kriss 3 - 0 Fuller, Mark David Lloyd 6
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04/04/23 Whitwick Warriors Wright, James 3 - 2 Kasunda, Kriss Northamptonshire 3
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